Joe Goodman
I moved to Waterloo in 1967, after being accepted into the Ph.D programme because of a clerical error...and life changed forever. I met Fred Kemp and others. We taught courses together in the Psychology Dept, we interfaced with KW hospital Crisis Clinic and the local police (Terry White), to educate professionals and others about how to deal with drug issues and bad trips in a compassionate way.
In summer of 1971, I visited a friend in St Agatha and met Brenda and others who were part of the Dumont community. That summer was magical and lifelong friendships began. I was a bit like an outsider looking in; and I was delighted to be accepted into a unique community that was unlike any I had known.
In Fall of 1971 I moved to Seattle Washington to complete a Residency at the U of Washington medical school and returned to Waterloo in fall 1972, hired by the Counseling U of W. I was considered the young radical new hire and definitely got into trouble with the elders. When I realized that many of the needs of students weren't being met in one to one counselling, I started groups and initiated a drop in programme at the Campus centre called 'he lonely hearts club'. Opening night, when I expected a few folks to show up, there were over 100 people, standing room only!
At the same time I was deepening my relationships with the Dumont Community. Ron and Liz and Gary welcomed me with open arms and hearts. We stayed at Chicopee for a while when looking for a place to live. Jann V H became a dear friend and remains as my best friend today! Baseball was a connector. Larry, Michael, Roddy, Jimmy and the crew of DDucks....Truth is, I could go on and on with memories and connections. As relationships go the time has has served to grow my apprecaiation of those times that we shared, the conversations, the music, the trips.
Gary is of course the inspiration for all of us to have this opportunity. He remembers every name and face with dates attached! I recently visited Michael Corbett in Stratford, showed up at his door unannounced. It was a magical visit. When Gary is in town we often get together with Brain Switzman's never ending hospitality...Mel, Liz J, and other surprise guests. Last visit I had a wonderful time with Roscoe. I mention that in particular because it was very special and illustrative of the depth and history that comes with old friendships. That night Rosco and I talked in ways that we may never had done so 'back when', catching up on life, honouring those who have passed, sharing memories, people and places.
I write to say THANKYOU. For the times in our lives, for the inspiration, for the life changing perspectives, for that heart that went into so many of the endeavours of that time. I cherish it all, pass the best of it on to my children and 6 grandkids. They all still love the Music of our Era.
Being accepted into your Ph.D program because of a 'clerical error' is particularly interesting to me. Because I hated gr 13 at my Catholic HS, I wasn't doing well academically. Yet I was damned (so to speak) if I was going to repeat it. So I told the priest who taught me Latin that I 'was thinking of becoming a priest'. As a result I got a 50 for my final mark, and skinned in under the entrance percentage of 70% with a 69.7% for first year at U of W. It was a white lie that I could live with. Pete